Welcome to the KREUL Color Blog

Are you looking for paint ideas and color inspiration? Would you like to find tutorials and how-to`s? Or do you want to inform yourself about current DIY-trends? Here you will find everything that makes the world of kids, crafters and artists even more colourful - the latest from Germany's first artists' paint factory.

KREUL Pouring Fertig Mischung Set

Pouring performance – quick and easy


Magenta nestles against white, unites to form a pink spiral and makes its way next to metallic shimmering sapphire blue. The[...]

KREUL Straßen Farbe Kinder Set Kreide

Brightly coloured and cheerful – that's what chalk Street Art is like


Cloudy white, rubber-duck yellow, striped-sock red and flip-flop blue - in summer, white, yellow, red and blue will become the[...]

Colour of the month: KREUL Nature Pebble Stone


The stream meanders through the landscape in small waves, winds past obstacles and grinds rocky edges round. Some stones on the[...]

KREUL Chalky Kreidemarker Set Fenster Deko DIY Blume Blätter Ranken Kreide Kunst chalkart

Urban Jungle on the windowpane


Fancy a new design on the window? Always yes! It should be chic and individual. A perfect job for the KREUL Chalky Marker! With[...]

SOLO GOYA Gesso Malerei Grundierung Leinwand

SOLO GOYA Gesso: It is the base that counts!


What makes a picture into an expressive painting? It is not only the composition or the arrangement of the colours that make it[...]

Colour of the month: KREUL Nature Bee Honey


Golden and cheerful: the colour shade bee honey glows intensely and entices with moments of joy. The warm shade belongs to the[...]

KREUL Kinder Straßenkreide flüssig

Summer street fun in a paint pot: KREUL Streety Sidewalk Paint


What's going on here? Well, hot sunshine and T-shirt weather. Now the blue sky sets the pace and inspires cook kids to create[...]

KREUL Aquarell Stift Ostern DIY Eier Basteln

Watercolour Easter decoration: ready in a flash


Not long to wait and the Easter holidays will begin. Of course, we want to capture the cheerful and fresh spring mood and decorate[...]


SOLO GOYA Acrylic: Here comes red


Full-bodied, glowing, passionate - Fred is one of the most striking colours and seduces the eye. A characteristic that artists[...]

KREUL Javana Stoffmalfarbe Kissen anmalen

Good mood look with the KREUL Javana Fabric Paint


Live, love, laugh - because the spring is here. When it blooms outside, ideas sprout in our heads about how to bring more zest[...]

MUCKI Bastelfarbe KREUL Ostern DIY

The Easter bunny is coming


Easter is coming! But before that, it is time for the appropriate decoration. Our cute Easter bunny can be made very quickly. Cut[...]

Colour of the month: eucalyptus


Relaxing and invigorating at the same time: the colour shade eucalyptus caresses our senses, vitalises the mind and spreads[...]

KREUL Nature: sustainability is so beautiful!


Deep blue vastness, white like freshly fallen snow or the playful pink of delicate flowers: the colours of nature awaken emotions[...]

KREUL Nature Schneekristall Weiß

Colour of the month: snow crystal


Radiant and cool: the KREUL Nature Snow Crystal is inspired by the wafer-thin elegance of winter. A quiet moment that nature needs[...]

MUCKI Stoff Fingerfarbe Karneval Kostüm selber machen

We go as artists


Carnival, Mardi Gras or Shrove Tuesday: not for long before the crazy days begin. The fun starts with an original disguise which[...]

KREUL Transfer Marker Wedding Einladung selbst basteln

Wedding stationery: stylish with the KREUL Transfer Marker


A lovingly breathed 'yes', a tender kiss - at a wedding, romance shows its most beautiful side. It is simply wonderful when the[...]

KREUL Farben Stand Creativeworld 2020

Fresh and sustainable – KREUL at Creativeworld 2020


What will be available in 2020? In any case a lot of inspiration and colour fun! That's why we took off in a colourful way and[...]

SOLO GOYA Aqua Paint Marker Aquarell

Spring awakening on watercolour paper


When the sun comes out in February, it awakens spring in us. It awakens the longing for mild temperatures, delicate flowers and[...]

KREUL Kinderkleber Fenster

Colourful window parade with the MUCKI Window Glue


In January, the view out of the window is all grey. It's time for smart kids to improve that view. What could be better than[...]

Florencia Capdepon_Solo Goya Triton Acrylic Marker

Florencia Capdepon: geometric art in acrylic paint


Pink waves spill over turquoise arches. Here and there colourful circles, as if thrown back and forth by the floods of colour.[...]

Colour of the month: rose gold


Elegance meets tender romance. In winter, it is the quiet tones that show how beautiful the cool season is. Delicate and fragile,[...]

KREUL Porzelanmalfarbe Stifte festlich Glamour

Glamour on the festive table


We like it elegant at Christmas. When our loved ones gather around the laid table, it must sparkle and shine. Not only the happy[...]

KREUL Window Color Geschenkset Glitzer

Oh, how beautifully it sparkles!


Whether flying through the air with unicorns or driving into the magical underwater world with mermaids, the imagination of the[...]

KREUL Pouring Art Metallic

Shimmering spectacle: pouring art in black and gold


Black and gold. This is not a colour combination, but a statement. The strong contrast makes the colour gold shimmer excitingly. A[...]

Mucki Stoffsternchen Basteln textil

Making Christmas gifts with the MUCKI Fabric Stars


'What could there be in that bag?', Grandma and Grandpa will ask when they open presents under the Christmas tree. The little[...]