Welcome to the KREUL Color Blog

Are you looking for paint ideas and color inspiration? Would you like to find tutorials and how-to`s? Or do you want to inform yourself about current DIY-trends? Here you will find everything that makes the world of kids, crafters and artists even more colourful - the latest from Germany's first artists' paint factory.

selbst gebastelte Oster-Tischdeko mit Serviettentechnik

Easy crafting for kids: tabletop decor for Easter


How to make an Easter treat for Mummy, Grandma or other loved one? That’s right! With a decorative DIY Easter gift. With MUCKI[...]

KREUL Textil Potch Dosen mit selbst designten Blumen Stoffen durch Serviettentechnik

Paper napkin decoupage on textiles: stylish and easy


Cool lettered messages, sophisticated designs – what look’s good on paper napkins can turn textiles into high-end accessories. And[...]

Acrylfarbe KREUL Triton Acrylic Liquid in Kobalttürkis wird aus Flasche ausgegossen

Preview: Triton but different!


Visitors to Creativeworld 2025 have already been treated to a first glimpse of our new artists’ acrylic paint KREUL Triton Acrylic[...]

KREUL el Greco Künstler Einstiegsets

Five questions about KREUL el Greco starter sets


Today a landscape in oil paints, tomorrow a sketch in watercolours or a mood board in acrylic paints? Or perhaps it's time to try[...]

KREUL Farben Team auf der Creativeworld 2025

Fränkisch. Farbstark. Familiär. Or "Franconian. Strong in Colour. Familiar" if you like.


These were words under which KREUL exhibited at Creativeworld from 7 to 10 February 2025. This short and sweet slogan sums up[...]

Pinsel und Palette mit KREUL Acrylfarbe Magenta

4 incredible mixed colours with acrylic paints


White makes colours lighter, black darkens them. Many will be familiar with the colour circle. So it’s clear that a mix of red and[...]

KREUL Kids Art Kinder Künstlerfarbe Tube mit Palette und Pinsel beim Mischen

Five questions about KREUL Kids Art


The kids fancy painting like the old masters or trying out abstract painting techniques? For that real studio vibe, we have[...]

KREUL Decoupage Potch Kleber mit Kollage

Pretty paper snippets? Perfect for a collage


Gift wrapping paper or cuttings from magazines – creatives find stylish motifs and designs everywhere. It is such a pity to just[...]

Kinderhände mit goldener Fingerfarbe von MUCKI

Painting with finger paints – but without the chaos


Whether as a highlight at a children’s birthday party or simply as a rainy-day activity: painting with finger paints is a great[...]

Malen und Gestalten mit Strukturpaste von KREUL

Creating successfully with Structure Paste


We love understated art where less is actually more. This principle applies particularly to artwork created with SOLO GOYA pastes[...]

KREUL Flüssigbronze in Silber verläuft auf einem Dekorations-Apfel

Five questions about KREUL Liquid Bronze


An incomparable shimmer with a consistency evocative of liquid silver or gold – that is KREUL Liquid Bronze. Perfect for elegant[...]

KREUL Glass Porcelain Potch vor selbst designtem Geschirr

Ceramic design that looks painted, but potched


DIY-designed tableware but without painting? You can get that with KREUL Glass & Porcelain Potch and unusual paper napkin motifs.[...]

Happy New Year Glitter Lettering auf Tafel

Happy New Year – in glittering letters


The year has flown past far too fast! Let’s give it a stylish send-off and at the same time welcome the new year. With chic[...]

Malen mit blauer Acrylfarbe auf Leinwand

Three facts about dark blue that can influence your painting


Our colour of the month for December is dark blue. Like all shades of blue, the colour radiates calm and relaxation. Things that[...]

Selbst gemalte Weihnachtskarte mit Tannenbaum und Lettering Merry X Mas

Christmas greetings: designed in next to no time with markers


In December, there's always a lot to do, so it often has to be done fast. After all, Christmas is just around the corner. So we're[...]

Schneemann Fensterbild mit KREUL Window Color gemalt

Let’s paint a snowman


Kids love winter. But where’s the snow? No matter, we’ll just build or rather paint a snowman in the house. We use KREUL Window[...]

KREUL Window Color Vögel Bilder am Fenster

Five questions about KREUL Window Color


Colourful window decorations? Then best choose KREUL Window Color. The peel-off motifs have been iconicaly popular since the[...]

Kind bei der Werksführung KREUL Farben

The challenge of colour – KREUL's Bring-Your-Child-To-Work Day"


The Day of Prayer and Repentance is a religious holiday for schools in Bavaria – but many parents worry about what to do with[...]

KREUL Acrylfarben mit Pinsel Schwarz und Gold

Black & Gold: 4 ideas for expressive art


The shimmer of metallic colours like gold magically attracts everyone's gaze. Certainly, golden highlights look extremely elegant[...]

Kerzenmit Weihnachtsmotiv von KREUL

We love candles in winter – and not just at Christmas


How do you get a festive atmosphere in seconds? With candlelight! We are always fascinated by the special atmosphere that you can[...]

Kerze bemalen mit KREUL Candle Pen

Five questions about KREUL Candle Pen


At Christmas time, for a birthday, for a Christening, or simply to conjure a festive atmosphere: DIY-decorated candles are a[...]

KREUL Farbe Gold herstellen

Colour of the Month: Gold


October has bewitched us with a few golden days. We want to enjoy this magic for a little longer and that's why we have chosen[...]

Vergolden mit KREUL Blattmetall

Golden autumn – with gilded art


Nothing gleams with such timeless beauty like the colour gold. When the days grow shorter, we retreat indoors. Let’s savour the[...]

KREUL Acryl Nachtleuchtfarbe Windlicht mit Sternen

Five questions about KREUL Acrylic Glow-in-the-Dark paint


It’s party time! Cool light effects are a must-have. KREUL Acrylic Glow-in-the-Dark paint is perfect for everyone who wants to put[...]

Kerzen mit Herbstblättern bedrucken

Easy print project: Leaves on candles


How can we get a cosy atmosphere in no time at all? By lighting a candle. But how can we make it extra special? With our autumn[...]