Welcome to the KREUL Color Blog

Are you looking for paint ideas and color inspiration? Would you like to find tutorials and how-to`s? Or do you want to inform yourself about current DIY-trends? Here you will find everything that makes the world of kids, crafters and artists even more colourful - the latest from Germany's first artists' paint factory.

Schalen mit grafischen Muster bemalen mit KREUL Glass und Porcelain Pen in Blau

Graphical patterns on bowls: Here's how


We love plain and simple designs on porcelain. And we love them even more so when they're sooo easy to replicate. With the KREUL[...]

Malen und Basteln mit KREUL Acryl Neonfarbe

Five questions about KREUL Acrylic Neon Paint


Jazzy, with real wow impact – party time! KREUL Acrylic Neon Paint is a real eye-catcher. It not only glows in daylight, but[...]

Acrylics but different – 4 techniques with water


Abstract painting is always a wonderful experiment. We are thinning acrylic paint with water to show you four cool effects. SOLO[...]

SOLO GOYA Acrylic Acrylfarbe Zinnoberrot und Primärblau

Changing the colour red


Summer, sunshine, holidays – in July, we just want to enjoy life. Then it's no wonder that a power colour like red really speaks[...]

SOLO GOYA Pouring Fluid für Pouring Acrylfarben Technik

Five questions about SOLO GOYA Pouring Fluid


Acrylic pouring is an easy-to-learn technique that you can use to make unique artwork. That is providing the acrylic paint[...]

Street Art für Selfies und Spiele Ideen mit KREUL Streety Strassenmalfarbe

Street art in chalk – our play idea for the holidays


Bright and colourful holiday fun? Sure, you've got it with KREUL Streety Sidewalk Paint. Use it not only to make asphalt into your[...]

KREUL Art Potch Nature nachhaltiger Serviettentechnik Kleber

Sustainable glue and varnish for paper napkin decoupage


Want to be creative but in a responsible way? You can do that with paper napkin decoupage. KREUL Art Potch Nature is our[...]

Schlichte Schultüte mit Punkten in lila und türkis selber basteln

Making your own "Schultüte" in minimalist style


Not much longer before lots of kiddies will be setting off for their very first day at school. In Germany, this milestone is[...]

KREUL Farben auf der Ausbildungsmesse Forchheim 2024

Vocational training fair in 2024: a very special festival of colours


On 8 June 2024, KREUL exhibited at the vocational training fair for the Forchheim district. The sunny weather attracted lots of[...]

Farbkombination Violett und Gelbgrün

Colour combos with violet


Dark colours like violet are just for winter? Absolutely not – nature shows us otherwise with radiant lavender blooms in June. A[...]

Schultüte füllen Ideen für kreative Kinder

Gift ideas for creative kids starting school


Hooray, not long now until the first day of school! As summer draws closer, lots of children are looking forward to this big event[...]

KREUL Künstler Acrylfarben zum Malen

4 facts about acrylic paints that artists should know


Want some paint know-how explained in a nutshell? Acrylic paints are more than just water-resistant paints. They are perfect for[...]

Malen mit MUCKI Stoff Fingerfarbe

Five questions about MUCKI Finger Paint for Fabrics


Five questions about MUCKI Finger Paint for Fabrics Whether as a painting session at a children’s birthday party or as a holiday[...]

Farbtöne mischen mit SOLO GOYA Acrylic Magenta

Colour of the Month: Magenta


May is full of life and energy. And that’s why we are making Magenta our colour of the month. The intense reddish violet is not[...]

Deko und Kunstwerke mit KREUL Farbsprays Acrylfarbe

Five questions about KREUL Paint Sprays


Simply spraying paint onto décor items or furniture – evenly and without any visible brushstrokes. That works with KREUL Paint[...]

Tropische Blüte mit SOLO GOYA Acrylic malen

Tropical Feeling with SOLO GOYA Acrylic


The blaze of colours in spring makes you yearn for summer days. But if we have to get out our woollen socks again in May, our mood[...]

MUCKI Kinder Serviettenkleber Basteln ab 4 Jahre

Paper napkin decoupage just like the grown-ups – but now child’s play


With their cute and funny motifs in bright colours, printed paper napkins are great for making and crafting. Of course, little[...]

Erinnerungsbox im Watercolor-Style mit KREUL Holzlasur

DIY inspiration: wooden box in watercolour style


Fantastic how things are blossoming and blooming everywhere right now. We’re taking inspiration from spring flowers and decorating[...]

Fingerfarben Figuren Kunst mit Handabdrücken

Painting idea for little artists: handprints transformed into pictures


Aren’t these children’s pictures just irresistibly cute? Unbelievable how the colourful handprints of the mini-artists are[...]

Upcycling Idee für Pflanzen mit KREUL Magic Marble

Marbled mugs – magical plant deco


Marbling just for Easter? That would be a pity. After all, the unique swirling patterns look simply magical in spring, too. So[...]

Anwendung von Acrylfarbe SOLO GOYA Triton Acrylic

Five questions about SOLO GOYA Triton Acrylic


In schools and art academies, SOLO GOYA Triton Acrylic is very popular as the high-yield artists‘ acrylic paint is very[...]

Malen mit Zitronengelb von KREUL Acrylfarben

Colour of the Month: Lemon Yellow


What brightens our mood in spring? The rays of the sun, naturally. The perfect colour for that is lemon yellow – a transparent,[...]

KREUL Künstler Acrylfarben in Studienqualität

What does student quality mean in the description of acrylic paints


SOLO GOYA Triton Acrylic and SOLO GOYA Acrylic are artists’ acrylic paints in "student grade". When developing these two lines of[...]

Farbe Hellgrün mit Pinsel

Colour of the Month: Green


It's wonderful in spring how you can see delicate shoots of green peeking out of every corner. Green is simply a feel-good colour[...]

Osternest mit Stiften für Kinder von KREUL und MUCKI

What will the Easter Bunny bring?


Well, a painting surprise with lots of fun and ideas for play, of course. We think that there are already enough chocolate eggs.[...]