KREUL Marker anschreiben mit zickzack Linien

The right way to pump colour in marker pens: here’s how

09/17/2024 |

Stylish lettering on porcelain mugs, cool lined patterns on cushion covers or striking highlights on furniture: you can use our markers to do all that and get wonderful results. So no wonder that the KREUL Glass & Porcelain Pen, the KREUL Textile Marker Opak, the KREUL Chalk Marker, the KREUL Acrylic Matt Marker, the KREUL Acryl Metallic Marker and KREUL Triton Acrylic Marker are the favourite markers of many creatives and crafters. The special feature of all these markers is the even flow of colour. This is achieved thanks to the valve system in the markers. Professionals know that you need to shake the marker, and pump the colour to the marker tip before you start writing or drawing with it.


But what‘s gone wrong when you start pumping the colour and too much liquid comes our of the tip, forming a puddle of paint? Is the marker leaking? No, not at all! The colour hasn't been properly pumped to the tip. Here, we show you the right way to do it.


Step 1: Shake & press gently

First shake the marker with its cap still on for about one minute to shake up any pigments that have settled. With a good shake, you can optimally mix pigments with the binder.

It is important to pump the tip just for 1 – 2 short moments. Don’t pump the tip multiple times with a rhythmic motion – that's too much. By "pumping" we mean pressing the tip down carefully. This opens a valve in the tank and the colour flows into the shaft of the tip. Wait for a moment until the tip is completely saturated with colour. 


Step 2: Do a quick test writing or drawing with the marker

Don’t use the marker straight off on the surface you want to decorate, first test writing or drawing with it on an extra piece of paper. Draw a few sweeping lines. Happy with the result? Then you can get writing and drawing with the KREUL Chalk Marker & Co.   

When do you have to pump the marker again? Only when the flow of colour starts to decrease? If you pump the colour too often, the tip can no longer absorb the colour and the paint leaks out.


Extra tip: Clean clogged marker tips

You've done everything right, but there still isn’t enough paint coming out of the marker? Maybe the tip is clogged or dirty. That’s no problem – simply remove the tip with your fingers and clean it. We recommend cleaning the tip under warm flowing water. Then let the tip dry in air and reinsert it into the shaft of the marker. You can replace broken or completely encrusted tips with KREUL replacement tips.