KREUL Bastelkleber und KREUL Sprühkleber als Basics für DIY Projekte

Glue classics in new look


What is one of the absolute essentials for crafting? That’s right! A glue that holds everything together. Like KREUL Handicraft[...]

Design Ideen für Tassen Bemalen mit KREUL Glass & Porcelain Pens

Heartfelt creations: Decorating with the KREUL Glass & Porcelain Pen Sets


Looking for a takealong gift for a loved one? DIY painted cups, bowls and glasses are a top tip! And these are so easy to do with[...]

Varianten des KREUL Triton Acrylic Marker

Five questions about the KREUL Triton Acrylic Marker


Originally developed for graffiti art, but now a must-have for acrylic painting. The KREUL Triton Acrylic Marker is a favourite[...]

Farbe des Jahres Pfirsichrosa bei KREUL

Colour of the Year: Peach


The Pantone Color Institute has chosen Peach Fuzz 13-1023 as its Colour of the Year for 2024. Hooray! What a wonderful summery[...]

Dip Dye Kerzen mit dem KREUL Candle Pen

Quick-to-make gift – sponged candles in dip-dye look


Oh dear, Christmas is almost here again. And your favourite people deserve a token of your appreciation. How about some[...]

Weiße Acrylfarbe von KREUL mit Pinsel

Colour of the Month: White


This year, December started off in white. Will that herald a white Christmas? Who knows! This lightest colour immediately puts us[...]

Geschenkboxen aus Holz mit KREUL Holzlasur angemalt

Five questions about Kreul Wood Stain


Stylishly painted wooden boxes are a wonderful alternative to gift-wrapping paper. We like to use KREUL Wood Stain to decorate[...]

Pinselaufstrich mit KREUL Acyrlfarbe in Violett

Colour of the month: Violet


In the cooler months, we crave deep, muted colours – like violet. The colour appears elegant and eccentric all at the same time.[...]

Schreiben und Malen mit SOLO GOYA Masking Marker Rubbelkrepp Stift

Five questions about SOLO GOYA Masking Marker


Crisp, white lines surrounded by colour: this technique in watercolour style gives you a simply enchanting look. You can get this[...]

Windlicht mit Trockenblumen beklebt mit KREUL Bastelkleber Nature

Cosy tabletop lanterns – sustainably glued with nature-inspired decoration


Brightly coloured leaves, filigree twigs, here and there a few meadow blooms: Wonderful what you can pick up on an autumn walk:[...]

KREUL Farbenkombination Blau und Orange

Colour of the month: Dark Blue


It's October and the autumn leaves dazzle in shades of orange, inspiring us to create art in intense colours. Time for a strong[...]

KREUL Nature Deko Bild Kunst im DIY Boho Style

Hibiscus flower kisses loam: our Boho art with KREUL Nature


Autumn has arrived! Cooler temperatures and brightly coloured leaves have inspired us to create art in cool and warm colours. In[...]

KREUL Beige und Sandtöne

Colour of the month: Sand colours


Once a year and it's off to the beach. For many creatives, that's not only an opportunity to wind down, but also a source of[...]

Kunstwerke mit SOLO GOYA Triton Acrylic fluoreszierenden Farben

Let those colours glow!


Fancy a bit of magic with a real wow effect? We light up the stars in a dark children’s bedroom. Flashlight on, lights off – and[...]

Selbst designte Kissenhüllen mit KREUL Javana Stoffmalfarben Set Color Living

Color Living on fabric – holiday looks for cushions & Co.


What are the colours of summer? Colours that make us think about raspberry ice-cream, sunflowers and bright blue skies. They[...]

Tuch bemalen mit KREUL Textil Marker

Five questions about the KREUL Textile Marker


Cool T-shirts, one-of-a-kind bags – with the KREUL Textile Marker, individual fabric design is soooo easy, but still looks very[...]

KREUL Chalky Kreidefarbe Ice Mint für Holz Deko

Colour of the month: Mint


Fancy something refreshing? Then we recommend mint. Not chewing gum or toothpaste, but the colour! The light pastel colour[...]

Holzschild anmalen beschriften mit KREUL Farben Markern

We're in the garden - our make-it-in-no-time DIY idea


What’s our favourite place in summer? In the garden, of course! Under shady trees, beside the hibiscus bush with a view of the[...]

KREUL Pens für Papier Textilien

Handy and effective: that's our pens


Beads, dots, lines, writing – for 3D decorations, KREUL pens are unbeatable. And they can do even more. The paint from the handy[...]

Tassen abstrakt bemalen mit KREUL Glass & Porcelain Farben

Splashes of summer: good-mood colours for cups


Warm Orange, fiery Carmine Red: the summer is going to be hot and needs some cooling down in Cobalt Blue or fresh May Green! A[...]

Batik Färben mit KREUL Textilfarben

Five questions about KREUL Batik Textile Dye


T-shirts in hippie look or one-of-a-kind fabrics in shibori style: with batik textiles, you get instant summer vibes. The batik[...]

Karten im Scrapbook Stil gestalten mit KREUL Klebe Marker

Scrapbooking? Yes, but clean, stylish and to the point if you please


A wafer-thin motif on handmade paper, a cut-out photo, with lettering in relief on top: we love the creative technique that[...]

Bilder auf Holz übertragen mit KREUL Foto Transfer Potch

Five questions about KREUL Foto Transfer Potch


Found a motif that you like? You don’t always need to just copy it. You can use KREUL Foto Transfer Potch to transfer it to a[...]

Tablett mit Deko angemalt mit KREUL ACryl Glanzfarben Color Living

Bright prospects for stylish decoration


Everything grey in grey? Not anymore! These trendy shades can pep up your home! And you don’t need a full home makeover, just a[...]

Weisse Tasse wird mit KREUL Porzellanstift rot angemalt

Five questions about KREUL Glass & Porcelain Pens


Whether its your afternoon cup of tea or accompanying cream cake: Everything looks so much more stylish on tableware you have[...]