Welcome to the KREUL Color Blog

Are you looking for paint ideas and color inspiration? Would you like to find tutorials and how-to`s? Or do you want to inform yourself about current DIY-trends? Here you will find everything that makes the world of kids, crafters and artists even more colourful - the latest from Germany's first artists' paint factory.

MUCKI Window Color häufige Fragen Anwenderfragen FAQ so gehts Tutorial

Five questions about MUCKI Window Color


Oh, how splendidly the window designs light up when the sun's rays shine through them. Children aged from 4 years are totally[...]

KREUL Magic Marble Hellblau Farbe des Monats Januar

Colour of the month: Light blue


What can give us an instant boost? A clear blue sky, of course. We associate blue with wide expanses, the sea and holidays. It is[...]

KREUL Transfer Marker DIY basteln Motiv übertragen Tisch Set Kork

Beautifully inviting: Table setting in romantic winter style


Fancy a little change for the New Year? How about a stylishly set dining table? Here, we’re using the KREUL Transfer Marker and[...]

KREUL DIY Kreative Auszeit malen blau

Some creative time out – relaxed and uncomplicated


Even though we promise ourselves every year to get everything done in good time, at some point we are overwhelmed by the hectic[...]

KREUL Acryl Mattfarbe Grün Weihnachten Deko

Colour of the month: Green


True, a white Christmas would be a highlight in December. But, originally, the traditional Christmas colour wasn't white but[...]

KREUL TRiton Acrylic Marker Gold

Effect art meets design: KREUL Triton Acrylic Marker in metallic colours


Lines in gleaming gold overlap with simple shapes in silver and copper. The KREUL Triton Acrylic Markers in metallic colours show[...]

MUCKI Farben Kinder Basteln Geschenk Weihnachten Set

Colour fun for Christmas – gift ideas for all ages


It isn’t always easy to find the right gift for kids. Youngsters‘ rooms are stuffed full of all sorts of things, leaving[...]

KREUL Acryl Mattfarbe DIY Farbe Holz Kunststoff Terrakotta Papier Karton Glas

Five questions about KREUL Acrylic Matt paint


Wonderful how you can pep up your home with painted home accessories. Our allrounder for painting furniture or decorative items is[...]

KREUL Nature DIY Weihnachten Tannenzapfen

Anticipation of the festive season with finely made pinecones


Winter is coming and welcomes us with a fairy-tale landscape of hoarfrost and wafts of mist. It's wonderful to enjoy the change of[...]

MUCKI Fenstermalfarben Kinder Kindergarten Vorschule Geschenk Tipp Idee

Colourful window zoo for little DIY lovers


How wonderful when children create their own worlds and become completely absorbed in their play. In the eyes of many parents, a[...]

KREUL Acrylic Paper Acrylmalerei Papier

KREUL Paper Acrylic: for acrylic experiments on paper


Being creative means trying things out and discovering new ways of artistic design. It's great that acrylic painting offers so[...]

KREUL Lackmarker Weihnachten Glaskugel Acrylglas Kugel DIY

Five questions about the KREUL Gloss Paint Marker


Whether sweeping lettering or chic accents: the KREUL Gloss Paint Marker is perfect for decorating plain objects in a unique way.[...]

KREUL Farbe Künstler Kreative Lila Violett

Colour of the month: purple


As the days get shorter and the nights longer, we are magically drawn to mystical hues. Like the shade purple - our colour of the[...]

KREUL Refill System nachhaltig

Refill instead of buying new: marked with the refill icon


We focus on quality. KREUL products are designed so robustly that they can take on many creative ideas. Until now, the content[...]

KREUL Kuenstler Acrylfarben Farbwissen FAQ Farbe

KREUL Colour Knowledge: what are the special features of artists' acrylic paints?


Acrylic paints are indispensable in contemporary art. They are easy to handle, waterproof and colourful. Whether the SOLO GOYA[...]

KREUL Bastel Tipp Herbst Kinder Blätter Farbe

Colour experiments with self-made natural brushes


Autumn is craft time - with materials that little explorers can find outside. Whether oval-shaped leaves, prickly pine needles or[...]

KREUL Dekorieren Farben Basteln Herbst DIY Kürbis Halloween anmalen Decor Idee

Stylishly decorated: Halloween decorations can be this effective


Harmonious curves, pointed shapes, unique patterns - nature shows how wonderful design can be with decorated pumpkins and tree[...]

KREUL Schmucksteinkleber Fragen Anwendung richtig kleben FAQ Steine verzieren Stoff Textilien aufkleben

Five questions to the KREUL Gemstone Glue


Sparkling gemstones turn decorations and accessories into little treasures. With the KREUL Gemstone Glue, the chic decorations[...]

SOLO GOYA Triton Acrylic Maisgelb

Colour of the month: maize yellow


Just in time for October, the days are getting shorter. In the early morning hours, we are now greeted by a pale light that turns[...]

MUCKI Fingerfarbe Oekotest 2021 sehr gut

ÖKO-TEST 'very good' for the MUCKI Finger Paint and MUCKI Children's glue


Hurray for the MUCKI Finger Paint and the MUCKI Children's glue! We received top marks for both products. The MUCKI Finger Paint[...]

KREUL KInderfarbe Bastel Farbe Auto basteln Karton Pappe

I'll build my own dream car!


Is there a cardboard on the kitchen table? No, there's a car driving! It's still just a flash of inspiration, but with the MUCKI[...]

KREUL Acryl Mattlack Kunstharz Basis

Five questions to the synthetic resin-based KREUL protective lacquers


Decorations can be protected from moisture and dirt. This is where the KREUL synthetic resin-based protective lacquers come in.[...]

KREUL Flüssig Bronze Metall Pigment Lack DIY

The KREUL Liquid bronze for a noble ambience


Want to bring a little glamour and shine into your home? With the KREUL Liquid Bronze, this works almost by itself. The technique[...]

KREUL Glass & Porcelain Navy Blue

Colour of the month: Navy Blue


Let the thoughts of everyday life be blown away and fill up with new inspiration - that works by itself at the seaside. Maybe it's[...]

KREUL Triton Acrylic SOLO GOYA Olivgrün hell

Colour of the month: olive green light


Summer is coming to an end, much too quickly to our mind. It's time to prolong the relaxed feeling of life a little longer. This[...]