KREUL Kids Art Kinder Künstlerfarbe Tube mit Palette und Pinsel beim Mischen

Five questions about KREUL Kids Art


The kids fancy painting like the old masters or trying out abstract painting techniques? For that real studio vibe, we have[...]

Kinderhände mit goldener Fingerfarbe von MUCKI

Painting with finger paints – but without the chaos


Whether as a highlight at a children’s birthday party or simply as a rainy-day activity: painting with finger paints is a great[...]

Schneemann Fensterbild mit KREUL Window Color gemalt

Let’s paint a snowman


Kids love winter. But where’s the snow? No matter, we’ll just build or rather paint a snowman in the house. We use KREUL Window[...]

KREUL Window Color Vögel Bilder am Fenster

Five questions about KREUL Window Color


Colourful window decorations? Then best choose KREUL Window Color. The peel-off motifs have been iconicaly popular since the[...]

Kind malt mit KREUL Tattoo Pen und Schablone ein Tattoo auf den Arm

Five questions about the KREUL Tattoo Pen


At children's birthday parties and in T-shirt weather, DIY-painted tattoos are a big hit! It’s so easy to paint butterflies,[...]

Textil Stifte für Kinder auf dem Tisch Hände greifen danach

Birthday party for crafty kids? Totally easy with KREUL Textile Markers


Crafting is always a highlight at children’s birthday parties. But don’t panic – here crafting with the kids isn’t sticky nor[...]

Street Art für Selfies und Spiele Ideen mit KREUL Streety Strassenmalfarbe

Street art in chalk – our play idea for the holidays


Bright and colourful holiday fun? Sure, you've got it with KREUL Streety Sidewalk Paint. Use it not only to make asphalt into your[...]

Schultüte füllen Ideen für kreative Kinder

Gift ideas for creative kids starting school


Hooray, not long now until the first day of school! As summer draws closer, lots of children are looking forward to this big event[...]

Malen mit MUCKI Stoff Fingerfarbe

Five questions about MUCKI Finger Paint for Fabrics


Five questions about MUCKI Finger Paint for Fabrics Whether as a painting session at a children’s birthday party or as a holiday[...]

MUCKI Kinder Serviettenkleber Basteln ab 4 Jahre

Paper napkin decoupage just like the grown-ups – but now child’s play


With their cute and funny motifs in bright colours, printed paper napkins are great for making and crafting. Of course, little[...]

Fingerfarben Figuren Kunst mit Handabdrücken

Painting idea for little artists: handprints transformed into pictures


Aren’t these children’s pictures just irresistibly cute? Unbelievable how the colourful handprints of the mini-artists are[...]

Osternest mit Stiften für Kinder von KREUL und MUCKI

What will the Easter Bunny bring?


Well, a painting surprise with lots of fun and ideas for play, of course. We think that there are already enough chocolate eggs.[...]

KREUL Window Color Motiv Vögel im Frühling

All the birds have landed now!


Early morning and you can already hear them twittering about the coming spring. Their cheery chirping makes us want to decorate a[...]

Fragen und Antworten zu MUCKI Bastelfarbe für Kinder

Five questions about MUCKI Craft Paint


Easter, Mother’s Day, birthdays or Christmas: there's always an occasion for mini-DIYers to get creative. After all, they get[...]

KREUL Kids Art 8er Set Malfarbe für Kinder

Mixing like a professional: with the set of 8 KREUL Kids Art Artists‘ Paints for Children


How do you mix frog green, candy pink or swimming pool blue? Budding young artists aged from six years old get it straightaway.[...]

KREUL Window Color Set Bild mit Eisbär Motiv

Hello there at the window: winter decoration with polar bear and elves


Hooray, winter at last! When the first snowflakes dance down, you won’t get the kids away from the windows. And that’s good[...]

Gebastelter Adventsschmuck mit Pappmache für Kinder

Craft idea for kids: hanging Christmas ornaments made from scrap paper


The Halloween decorations have only just been taken down, and now it’s time for festive Christmas ornaments. November’s dull[...]

Farbtuben KREUL Kids Art Kinder Künstlerfarbe

What sort of paint is KREUL Kids Art Artists‘ Paint for Children?


Wow, how vibrantly KREUL Kids Art Artists' Paint for Children shines out from the canvas. This high-pigment children's paint comes[...]

Kinder mit bemalter Tasse und Stiften von KREUL

Cocoa or tea? But only in the cup I painted myself


Only ever painting on paper is boring! Clever kids like to express themselves creatively on everyday objects: This is just where[...]

Kunstwerke mit SOLO GOYA Triton Acrylic fluoreszierenden Farben

Let those colours glow!


Fancy a bit of magic with a real wow effect? We light up the stars in a dark children’s bedroom. Flashlight on, lights off – and[...]

MUCKI Farbe Spiel Kiste mit Fingerfarben mischen

Mix colours? I can do that (almost) all on my own


A frog is green, a piglet pink – every child knows that! But if they only have red, blue, yellow, white and black, the little[...]

Finger von Kind 2 Jahre mit MUCKI Fingerfarbe

Five questions about MUCKI Finger Paint


Mucking about with paint, stirring it, painting and printing with it: when the youngest artists get the chance to play about with[...]

Kind bemalt Tasse mit Porzellanstift von KREUL

Revamped for monster fun painting cool cups and plates


Watch out, there’s monsters about! Grinning cheekily from DIY-painted plates and cups. And from the KREUL Porcelain Markers,[...]

MUCKI Stoff Fingerfarbe 6er Set für Kinder ab 2 Jahren

Six new colours for the youngest textile designers


Hands dipped in green and blue – then pressed onto cloth bags, sweatshirts and cushions. Now the paint is spread and stamped with[...]