Five questions about MUCKI Finger Paint for Fabrics
06/04/2024 |- MUCKI Finger Paint for fabrics
- Playing-ideas for kids
Can you use it for baby hand- and footprints on fabrics?
Of course. It says for age 2+ on the packaging because children are generally this age when they start discovering and feeling paints. From 2 years is therefore a product-specific age recommendation, but does not have any legal or health background.
MUCKI Finger Paints for Fabrics are great for baby hand- and footprints on fabric. All colours are paraben-free. In addition, they are gluten-free, lactose-free, nut-free, titanium -dioxide-free and vegan. MUCKI Finger Paints for Fabrics have been dermatologically tested so that you can use them worry-free for baby’s first colourful hand and footprints.
Can you wash off MUCKI Finger Paint for Fabrics just like MUCKI Finger Paint?
Only while it's still wet, As soon as it has dried, MUCKI Finger Paint for Fabrics is water-resistant and can no longer be washed off without additional aids! Fixing the paints is only to make sure that the painted fabric can be washed many times over in a washing machine at 40 °C without fading.
Paints that can be washed out of textiles are specially indicated by the T-shirt symbol for "easy to wash off from 30°C". You can find this symbol on the classic MUCKI Finger Paint, but not on MUCKI Finger Paint for Fabrics. So we recommend that kids put on a painting smock or apron before they start painting with MUCKI Finger Paint for Fabrics.
Can you paint tea towels with MUCKI Finger Paint for Fabrics?
After MUCKI Finger Paint for Fabrics has been fixed in place, the fabrics can be washed at temperatures up to 40°C. But, for hygiene reasons, most households wash tea towels at much higher temperatures. Tea towels are often made of a cotton-linen blend. Paints don’t soak into linen fabrics so well, which can impair optimum washing resistance. So we can’t recommend painting tea towels with MUCKI Finger Paint for Fabrics – unless they are just for decoration.
Is MUCKI Finger Paint for Fabrics only suitable for finger painting?
No, the paint is suitable for lots of different fabric painting techniques. After all, MUCKI Finger Paint for Fabrics comes in a paste-like consistency, perfect for stamping with potatoes or toilet rolls, for printing with sponge dabbers or corrugated cardboard and for stencilling. You can also use a paint roller or paintbrush to apply MUCKI Finger Paint for Fabrics onto textiles. So the paint is not only for very small children, but also perfect for being creative with nursery-age children and pre-schoolers.
What’s the best way to fix MUCKI Finger Paint for Fabrics?
MUCKI Finger Paint for Fabrics is already "fixed" by drying in air. Nevertheless, we advise an extra fixing process so that the colours don’t fade if they are washed several times over. Do this with heat. The "glue" contained in the paint softens and soaks properly into the fabrics.
Do this with intensive ironing (cotton setting) on the reverse side of the painted surface for at least 5 minutes. For protection, place backing parchment between layers.
It is more practical is to fix the paints in a preheated domestic oven at 150°C between 8 and 10 minutes. For large pieces of fabric, just fold these and lay baking parchment between the painted layers. After the paint has been fixed, let the fabric cool down so the paint hardens properly. It is not advisable to wash the fabrics straight after.