Colour of the Month: Magenta
05/08/2024 |Flamingo Pink: Magenta + Ivory
A little magenta in lots of white – that's the recipe for classic pink. If you use ivory instead of white, you get a warm variant. Reminiscent of the pink of flamingos, the warm rays of the sun, and peaches. That is because ivory is a light shade of white with a yellowish tinge. Perfect for painting summer blooms.
Toned-down orange: Magenta + Cadmium Yellow
Classic orange is mixed with red and yellow. But what happens if you use magenta instead of red? You get a more elegant, darker orange colour. Mix Magenta and Cadmium Yellow and look forward to a colour that isn't quite so garish. Wonderful for painting areas of shade in orange.
Light Blue: Magenta, Dark Green + White
What colour is the sky. A mix of dark green, magenta and lots of white! Sounds mad, but it's a fascinating colour experiment. A fantastic way to get a stylish smokey blue. Why do you get blue? Because our dark green contains a lot of blue. And there's blue in magenta. The red and green parts mix to a neutral grey. When these are mixed together, a toned-down dark blue results. With lots of white, you can lighten the mix to a light blue, a perfect colour for the sea, a lake or a clear blue sky.