Children, think big!
01/17/2019 |But why should small children always paint on small formats only? We say: Dare playing with the size!

Leeway for creativity
When the thoughts are runnings and one wants to paint the experiences with colour, then it can instantly become big and broad. This opens space for thinking and designing. Borders fall, and creativity increases to an immeasurable level.
Our kids have chosen a big stretched canvas, and they like to contrast new dimensions and sizes. How should I dose the paint volume? Where should I start if the stretched canvas is as big as I am? What would I like to paint and how tall should I become?

Already in children's day cares, the unexpected energy can be released or also concentrated. Small teams paint together on big canvasses and learn to come to an arrangement. Blue and red should be matched. Who takes which brush? Who is holding fresh water?

KREUL Big Box – alles drin für große Ideen
With the KREUL Big Boxes, children's groups, childminders or school classes are perfectly equipped. Everything is stored in practical big pails, and the big MUCKI hobby paints are combined with the little MUCKI decorations.
By playing with the MUCKI hobby paints, children also learn how to handle basic colours. Here in the colour blog, we explained why it is important.
Special charm and effects appear when children experiment with the MUCKI decorations. We also have a special contribution on that in the Colour blog.

Mit Bastelfarbe sind Kleckse kein Problem
Hey, grown-ups, stay relaxed! When dealing with such big formats, one can certainly get splashes. But all MUCKI hobby paints are washable, dermatologically tested, paraben-free, gluten-free, lactose-free and vegan. There are no barriers to becoming big and painting big.