KREUL Masking Marker Kunst Watercolor Painting

After work painting – drawing and painting during the blue hour

09/19/2019 |

Another working day comes to an end - finally it's time to rest. But what about painting to relax instead of watching TV? When the twilight covers everything outside in the blue light, we get inspired for a cool skyline artwork with blue colour gradients. This is all quick with the SOLO GOYA Masking Marker and the SOLO GOYA Aqua Paint Marker in blue shades. Get rid of all the grey thoughts of the past working day and free your head with an after-work painting! Our step-by-step guide will show you how it works.


First, houses are roughly sketched out with the SOLO GOYA Masking Marker on watercolour paper. Fine details can be drawn with the SOLO GOYA Masking Marker, dominant lines appear with the help of the wide tip of the SOLO GOYA Masking Marker well. The marker has a liquid scratch crepe that dries out quickly on paper. It's practical when something else in the painting needs to be changed, because the priming coat can be easily rubbed away with a finger.

Finally, houses are painted with the SOLO GOYA Aqua Paint Marker in blue shades. By doing that, the shadowy sides of the skyline are made a little bit darker. Soft tones appear when paint is mixed in the artist's palette and dissolved in water there. If you don't have an artist's palette, you can use the side of the plastic box of the power pack SOLO GOYA Aqua Paint Marker. Now cover the picture extensively with a wet brush. Wow, the paints are flowing into each other and creating a unique colour performance.

Wait until the artwork dries out and finally, remove the lines of the SOLO GOYA Masking Marker. This will work with a soft rubber that doesn't damage the paper structure, or really easily with a finger. It's fantastic how the sharp-edged borders of the skyline play with the intensive blue shades. We are fascinated by the unique colour flow and definitely feel more relaxed now than earlier. That's how cool the after-work time can be!

  • SOLO GOYA Aqua Paint Marker vermilion dark, Art-Nr. 18113
  • SOLO GOYA Aqua Paint Marker cyan, Art-Nr. 18105
  • SOLO GOYA Aqua Paint Marker indigo blue, Art-Nr. 18114
  • SOLO GOYA Aqua Paint Marker light green, Art-Nr. 18110
  • SOLO GOYA Masking Marker fine, Art-Nr. 18160
  • SOLO GOYA Masking Marker medium, Art-Nr. 18165
  • SOLO GOYA Paper Water Color 300 g/m², Art-Nr. 68013
  • SOLO GOYA Artist's brush red marten imit. Gr. 12, Art-Nr. 202112