Colour of the month: KREUL Javana batik-textile paint Sound of the Sea
04/24/2019 |- KREUL Batik Textile Dye
- Ideen für Kreative

The strong blue makes you want to enjoy life here and now. Because the KREUL Javana batik-textile paint Sound of the Sea is bright, mild, sparkling and inspiring. The colour shade radiates a good mood, like a day at the beach, while surfing, while swimming, while splashing around with children. Light-hearted, wild, pure and fresh. The clear sea hypnotizes us with its light blue, makes happy and blows away all concerns about the daily routine with ease.
We can bring home the Mediterranean lifestyle of fishermen, beach hippies and surfers quite easily because the Sound of the Sea is a colour shade of the KREUL Javana batik-textile paints. One can paint unique T-shirts, decorative cloths or pillows for the terrace using different techniques.

In strong blue, through tieing and knotting white rings with a parcel cord, waves appear. Colour gradients emerge already when one only dips a part of the T-shirt into the mixed paint. After painting with the blue colour, the textiles can be easily washed and hung out on the wash line. Totally easy and uncomplicated. Like a holiday at the sea! Simply try it!
[Translate to English:]
[Translate to English:] KREUL Batik Textilfarbe