Trick or treat: black-light decorations for your Halloween party
10/14/2019 |
Canvas monsters in cool neon acrylic paints
First, we use acrylic paint to paint monsters on large stretch canvases. For this, we are using the artists‘ acrylic paint SOLO GOYA Triton Acrylic. This can be generously applied to the canvas and wows the kids in fluorescent yellow, pink, orange and green. Here and there, a few dabs of MUCKI Finger Paint in Squeaky Yellow and Squeaky Pink: Help! How creepily the homemade Halloween decorations grin at you in the dark!

Light-up pumpkins with SOLO GOYA Triton Neon Paint
Our helpers are fascinated by the glowing colours. Faces are quickly carved into pumpkins and then decorated with fluorescent neon paint from the SOLO GOYA Triton Acrylic range. After they have been painted, the pumpkins and monster pictures just have to dry for a short time.