KREUL Farben auf der Ausbildungsmesse Forchheim 2024

Vocational training fair in 2024: a very special festival of colours

06/19/2024 |

On 8 June 2024, KREUL exhibited at the vocational training fair for the Forchheim district. The sunny weather attracted lots of visitors and our stand was a magnet for all those interested! With our famous paint fountain, filled with MUCKI Gleaming Finger Paint in Diamond Blue, we got the visitors‘ eyes shining and made for a wonderfully colourful atmosphere.


Starting out and career prospects at a paint manufacturer

Very much in demand was information on the apprenticeship as a "Chemicals Production Specialist". It attracted a lot of interest. Our brand new corporate video  also drew visitors‘ gazes and paved the way for lots of interesting talks about career prospects at KREUL.

KREUL painting action: the opportunity to try out our paints

An absolute highlight was our painting action during which the visitors coloured a picture of Forchheim Townhall by "painting by numbers"  with our resource-saving DIY paint KREUL Nature. The result will soon be on display and can be admired at the Forchheim district offices. With an encouraging throng of visitors, huge interest in KREUL as an employer and lots of positive talks with visitors, our participation at this event was a resounding success!