Creativeworld 2024: Bold is beautiful
02/06/2024 |
Colour magic meets selected highlights
If you show your colours, you’ll get noticed and get talked about. After all, colours evoke emotions. When bright colours dance, the world seems less serious and guarded. Here, the focus is on fun and self-awareness. No surprise that there were lots of interested visitors bustling about the KREUL stand. An international public of distributors, partners, retailers and creatives were drawn by the glowing colour shades, examined our new products and got an insight into our colour and paint production from our company video.

Clearly set out: our new products
Our new products for 2024 had lots of space on our shelves to make an impact. That’s because this year we only brought along a selection of our products, rather than our entire assortment as we usually do. So our highlights and future stars were real eyecatchers. And visitors also soon discovered our KREUL brand magazine "Black on White", too.
The new products were not presented separately, but took their place alongside existing KREUL products in their particular assortment. So that they immediately caught the visitors' gaze, we labelled all our new babies with a sign. So, interested visitors could get a first idea of SOLO GOYA Acrylic Medium set of eight 20-ml tubes, the sets of six KREUL Candle Pens, MUCKI decoupage glue for children and the new containers and design of the KREUL potches.

Our verdict
For some visitors, we weren’t that easy to find in the different hall. But those who did find us were stopped in their tracks, fascinated by what they saw. We look back at four eventful trade fair days during which lots of valuable talks were held and new ties made. The thoroughly positive feedback to our affirmation of colour has strengthened our commitment to our core expertise. We love colour. We can do colour. Let’s make the world more colourful.