Much smaller CO₂ footprint
02/01/2024 |
Almost 40 % reduction in CO₂ emissions at KREUL
We have our CO₂ footprint drawn up annually and retrospectively by the non-profit foundation myclimate. This calculates our CO₂ emissions with a methodical approach based on internationally recognized standards (ISO 14064, GHG Protocol, CDP, GRI). KREUL‘s new CO₂ footprint has been determined: In 2022, our production operations generated currently unavoidable emissions totalling 556 t CO₂. Only one year previously, our calculated CO₂ balance was still 920 t CO₂. This is a substantial improvement, which can be attributed largely to the switch to green electricity.

Balance of paint production in Hallerndorf
Included in the calculation of the KREUL CO₂ emissions are the greenhouse gas emissions that are generated during paint production at our sole company base in Hallerndorf. These are emissions generated by energy, mobility, transport, waste as well as materials. Also taken into account are emissions from electricity that we have bought in for use in production and administration. Indirect emissions, for instance from business trips, work travel of our employees, IT and operational waste, are also included.
Donation to a reforestation project
Since 2022, we have offset our company CO₂ emissions by financially supporting a reforestation project in Tanzania. A fantastic project that is making a valuable contribution for the environment. Anyone interested can view this online with a tracking number (Tracking ID: myclimate.de/01-22-895656).