KREUL Christmas donation: we give a smile away
12/08/2020 |
The colourful packages are sent to counselling centres, hospices and palliative care units in the Bamberg, Forchheim and Erlangen areas. 'We want to support big and small artists who have very difficult times or who cannot afford paints', says the KREUL owner and CEO Dr. Florian Hawranek. Local schools and day-care centres whoso tight budgets are not always enough for paints, are also to receive the paint package. Colours probably can't solve any difficulties, but they can give a few moments of cheerfulness - at least at Christmas.

Window Color, acrylic paints, pens and many more go into the gift boxes. Dr. Hawranek takes the time to fill the boxes with different paints and craft items with pleasure. A colourful mix of paints and pens is just right for creative expression. These are new goods, but also remaining stocks that can no longer be sold. Here the cardboard is damaged or an old logo is printed on it. But the paints are too good to throw away when they can still be used to give so much joy. We would have liked to give them to many more organizations, but we have to return from the 'Christmas elf workshop' to our everyday work. We wish all artists, big and small, a Merry Christmas and colourful holidays!