Behind the scenes of the rainbow. Or: How does it feel to work with paint every day?
06/18/2019 |A lot of small glasses full of pulsating colours
The pallet truck takes the heavy containers to the filling line where robot arms are already in full use. The conveyor belts start to move, and the paint gets squirted into countless little glasses. The machinery is roaring. The pump suction is followed by a recurring clicking sound as if the paint begins to pulsate. The shades of the rainbow become lively here. The heart of KREUL beats at this place.
Surrounded by nature
It is unbelievable what's behind the scenes of the manufacturer of paints. In the middle of the rural idyll of the Upper Franconia, embedded in fields, the production buildings of the producer of paints rise. The proximity of nature can be felt here and it's a nice place to live. So, regional plants and rare water creatures live in a created wetland in the entrance area.
Newcomer in the paint family
I have been working in the department of Marketing at KREUL for 40 days now, and I am a part of a family owned company with almost 100 employees. Many others have been earning their living in the world of paint for 20 years or more. In the morning, I get vibrantly greeted by name - I personally need some more time to match every face to a name. The paths are short, even if sometimes winding. So that in the beginning, the labyrinth of corridors and halls often left me helpless.
Discipline and support from the very beginning
Yet, I never feel left behind. A firm introduction programme took me by the hand in the first three weeks and introduced me to the world of paint. So, I got to know background information about marketing, production management, laboratory or sales until smoke was coming out of my head. Branded products also require a high working quality and discipline from every employee.
A product with appeal
This colour is present everywhere in KREUL. One can see it in the process of manufacturing new products in the laboratory, in practical tests and photo shootings in a creative studio or as a dripping wall painting in the stairway of the showroom. Viewed soberly, the operational processes in KREUL resemble any other production operation. In comparison with semiconductors, packaging materials or office chairs, the product 'liquid paint' has also an emotional appeal. Paints evoke childhood memories of carefree crafting afternoons and inspire for creative projects after work.
Into the future with rose-coloured glasses
Something colourful creates a good mood. In KREUL, this is shown with the help of a friendly working atmosphere that I am carried away with on dull days. Yet, I am still at the stage of euphoria of a newcomer. Of course, there are obstacles and difficult situations yet to come. Who knows what the future will bring. At KREUL, it will be colourful anyway!