Candles styled with decoupage: with KREUL Candle Potch
03/08/2023 |- Candle paints
- Ideen für Kreative

Simple yet stunningly beautiful
1,2,3 - and you can start “candle potching”. Apart from a candle, you only need three more things for your design; a paper napkin motif, a paintbrush and KREUL Candle Potch.
The water-based glue has been developed specially for decorating candles with paper napkin decoupage. Why paint a beautiful motif yourself, when one is already printed ready to use on a paper napkin? Gluing is quick, so you can soon be decorating candles with fashionable designs!

The special glue for napkin decoupage on candles
Napkins are made of paper, and you light candles – so how does that work? KREUL Candle Potch is a transparent glue for candles. It makes sure that the napkin motifs stick to the candle. An additional sealer and glue in one product.
KREUL Candle Potch also contains a flame retardant. It stops the paper napkin motif catching fire when it comes into contact with the candle flame.

How do you decoupage candles with napkin motifs?
First, apply KREUL Candle Potch to the candle. Use a flat brush to evenly spread the glue. For decoupage, you only use the top most layer of the paper napkin. So take off the motif and lie it onto the glue that you have brushed onto the candle.
Use a dry, soft paintbrush or your fingers to carefully smooth the motif. Allow it to dry for a short time and then apply a thin layer of KREUL Candle Potch over the motif. This way, the motif can steadily burn off without catching fire. Allow your decorated candle to dry properly for around 24 hours before you light it.
Wonderful how easily you can apply beautiful designs to candles. Candles for your home, birthdays, weddings, communions, christenings and many other candles – from now on, we are using KREUL Candle Potch to decorate our own candles. What bought motif candle can “hold a candle” to that?