A metallic effect from the spray can
10/26/2020 |- KREUL Colorspray Metallic
- Ideen für Kreative

The KREUL Leaf Metal Effect Spray is not only available in gold but also in silver. As the paint is sprayed on, an even application of paint is achieved without brush strokes. Wow, it looks like it was made from one piece! No matter how complicated the shape appears, with the KREUL Leaf Metal Effect Spray everything becomes seamlessly golden and silver. The nitro-combi lacquer is applied in several layers. The first layer already shimmers beautifully and makes a good accent. Every further layer enhances the metallic effect. This makes you want more gold and silver shine!

Super that finishing with the KREUL Leaf Metal Special Effect Spray Gold is so easy. We transform a ceramic bowl into a noble accessory. As soon as the object is free of grease, clean and dry, spraying can begin. For this purpose, the paint can is shaken for 2 minutes. Then we spray the paint in cloister, let everything dry and apply further layers. The metallic effect looks best on previously white objects. The KREUL Leaf Metal Special Effect Spray Gold or Silver is suitable for interior decoration elements. If you would like to present you refined favourite piece of art outside, you should subsequently paint over it with the KREUL Zapon Lacquer. This way, it is best protected against corrosion and spreads its gracefulness for a long time.