Beautiful vacation memories with the KREUL Photo Transfer Potch
09/19/2017 |- KREUL Foto Transfer Potch
- KREUL Foto Transfer Potch Varnish
- KREUL Foto Transfer Potch tools
- Ideen für Kreative
Here's how it starts
You can get suitable wooden boards at the hardware store. There you can have them cut to your desired size.
The wood should be free of dust and grease. If you are using varnished wood, you should sand it first or simply wipe it with vinegar water so that the paint can adhere better.
Use the masking tape to mask off the areas on the boards that are to be decorated. The dimensions depend on the size of your photos.
Now print your photo with a laser printer or make a laser copy. For photos and fonts, print the image mirror inverted.
This is how to put your favourite photos on the board

A white background will make your photo look brilliant later. Apply the KREUL Acrylic Matt Paint White with the brush inside the masked area and let the paint dry for 5 to 10 minutes. Now the paint is waterproof and a perfect base for the Photo Transfer Potch.

First coat the background and then the printed image side generously with the Photo Transfer Potch. Both surfaces must be wet at all points because the printer ink will not be transferred to dried areas.

Now immediately place the coated image side down on the surface and press the entire image evenly and smoothly with a scraper or ruler. Wipe away any residue of glue and adhesive with a paper towel.

Remove the masking tape and let the potched motif dry for 24 hours at room temperature. Alternatively, blow dry the motif for 10 minutes on the highest setting and then let it cool completely.

Rub away the paper fibres with your fingers. Once the design has dried, you can see if there are still any paper fibres. You can lightly mositen it several times and rub off the fibres. What remains is the waterproof ink embedded in the Photo Transfer Potch.
Isolated, fine paper fibres emphasize the used look. If you want the last paper fibres to disappear, we recommend the Photo Transfer Potch Topcoat. Your photo will look even more brilliant after overprinting.

Coat the first board with the KREUL Magnetic Primer. For an optimal magnetic effect, we recommend that you apply at least three layers of magnetic primer crosswise with the brush. Allow each applied layer to dry for approx. 2 hours. You can shorten the drying time by blow drying. Clean the brush with water immediately after use.

Let the board dry for 24 hours before painting it with the KREUL Acrylic Matt Paint Blue. Remove the masking tape directly afterwards. Your magnetic board is ready, on which you will always have the tickets to the last open-air festival or beautiful postcards in view.
This is what you need:
- KREUL Acrylic Matt Paint White (Art-Nr. 75501)
- KREUL Acrylic Matt Paint Antique Blue (Art-Nr. 75525)
- KREUL Magnetic Primer (Art-Nr. 76155)
- KREUL Photo Transfer Potch (Art-Nr. 49951)
- KREUL Photo Transfer Potch Topcoat Glossy (Art-Nr. 49981)
- KREUL Brush Basic fine Nylon flat, size 20 (Art-Nr. 721120)
- KREUL Brush for Photo Transfer Potch (Art-Nr. 49916)
- KREUL Scraper (Art-Nr. 722830)
- Motif prints on 80 g copy paper (format: 15 x 23 cm), wooden boards (size: H34 x W19 x D2,5 cm)
- Masking tape, paper towels, possibly baking paper to place underneath, water glass, magnets