Farbe des Monats Petrol

Colour of the month: Petrol


What would the start of summer be without Petrol blue? No other colour reminds us so much of the South Seas, but also looks so[...]

Unterschiede bei Blautönen von SOLO GOYA Acrylic und Triton

Finding the right shade: this is how our blues differ


Blue sky, blue sea. In summer, we are particularly inspired by shades of blue. And sure, we like using different blue hues in our[...]

Rote Farbaufstriche mit SOLO GOYA Acrylic

Colour of the month: Red


May is the month when traditionally lots of weddings take place. In this month, love is in air. And what colour do we associate[...]

Malen mit 48er SOLO GOYA Acrylic Set Anfängerset

The right colour always at hand


When you start learning something new, then you start off slowly. Just the basics. But we really want to start right in the[...]

KREUL Nature Bienenwabe wird mit dem Stempel aufgetragen

Colour of the month: Yellow


When dashes of yellow suddenly appear everywhere at the beginning of spring, a smile spreads over our face. The lightest colour in[...]

KREUL Pinselreiniger Gläschen und Pinsel beim Reinigen

Five questions about KREUL Brush Cleaner


If you look after your paintbrushes, they’ll last longer. But brush soap and water sometimes aren’t enough to get paint and[...]

SOLO GOYA Triton Acrylic Weiss und Mischweiss Acrylfarbflaschen

White or Mixing White: When to use which colour?


The colour white catches everyone’s eye, as the human eye is magically drawn to the light areas of a picture. The fact is that you[...]

Rosa Farbaufstrich mit SOLO GOYA Farben

Colour of the month: Rose pink


Which colour can make us blush? Well, pink of course. The colour of romance continues to blossom long after Valentine’s Day is[...]

KREUL Acrylfarben Set mit fröhlicher Farbkombination

Mixed Colors: Joyful colours for fashionable combinations


Yellowish green with rosé, or perhaps turquoise alongside genuine yellow? No matter – the main thing is that the colour[...]

Farbton Magenta mit Pinsel von KREUL Farben

Colour of the Year: Magenta


What can really boost energy levels at the start of the year? A colour that vibrates with vim and vigour. That's why we are[...]

Verschiedene Farbkleckse in Brauntönen

Colour of the Month: Brown


At the end of autumn, nature’s resplendent yellows and oranges begin to turn brown. But is that sad? We don’t think so because[...]

Anwendung Malen mit Acryltinte

Five questions about KREUL Triton Acrylic Ink


With paint that is versatile and encourages experiments, artists can broaden their skills. A fantastic opportunity for KREUL[...]

Geschenkidee zu Weihnachten für Kuenstler

Christmas gifts to surprise and delight artists


Oh, how wonderful to see the eyes of a creative individual light up when you present them with the ideal gift. Hobby artists have[...]

Handlettering Gemälde mit Herbstlaub neben Aquarell Markern

Five questions about SOLO GOYA Aqua Paint Markers


Versatile, high-intensity colour with a flexible brush tip: the SOLO GOYA Aqua Paint Marker is a favourite among artists and[...]

abstrakt Malen lernen mit SOLO GOYA Triton

Abstract painting with artists’ acrylic paints: It’s so easy


A bright blue sky with ocean waves in radiant turquoise: We are inspired to paint impressions from our summer holidays onto[...]

Keilrahmen mit Leinwand und primärblauem Anstrich

Colour of the month: Primary blue


In August, we yearn for a colour that lets us gaze into the faraway. The horizon on a bright and sunny day, far-off coastal[...]

Baum Skizze in Skizzenbuch vor Landschaft mit Stift

Why sketching outdoors can build up our artistic skills


Summer, sun, spending time outdoors: you can capture the play of light between colours wonderfully by creating art while you are[...]

Zitron Schriftzug wird mit Aquarellstift geschrieben

Colour of the month: Lemon


Carefree and refreshing – that’s lemon. The lightest shade in the colour wheel gives us a cool look in hot temperatures, relishing[...]

KREUL Triton Acrylic Marker Power Pack Komplettset mit Kuenstlerstiften von KREULe

Full power for quick-to-do colour ideas


Vivacious red meets refreshing blue and brings in joyful orange to compose a feel-good summer hit. In the hottest months of the[...]

KREUL Acrylfarbe Tinte natürliche Pigmente Kurkuma Gelb

Colour of the month: Curcuma


A warm, natural yellow – this is how you could describe the colour curcuma. Not only does the colour in our KREUL Triton Natural[...]

KREUL Triton Acrylic Natural Pigments Marker Minimal Art

Natural colour shades for minimalist art


Summer is here! The days are getting longer, lighter and warmer, making us want carefree art that radiates light and harmony. What[...]

SOLO GOYA Triton Acrylic Produktion

How is SOLO GOYA Triton Acrylic made?


Whether for designs covering large areas or detailed compositions: SOLO GOYA Triton Acrylic is our allrounder for acrylic[...]

KREUL Farbe des Monats Pink Acrylfarbe Künstler

Colour of the month: Pink


Think Pink! Pink can sweep away your worries for a short time, encouraging you to celebrate the moment. The exuberant colour is[...]

SOLO GOYA TRiton Acrylic System Farbe Marker Ink Grau Pink

Neutral grey to bring balance into bold-colour artwork


Spring is blooming in a blaze of brilliant colour and has inspired us to paint acrylic art in intense shades. Glorious how[...]

KREUL Triton Acrylic Ink Masking Marker Lettering Tutorial

Ink and Masking Marker - a dynamic duo


The spring sun is smiling, inspiring us to try out some colourful experiments and flourishing designs. As if by magic, colour[...]